IGS Career Placement and Inclusion

Career Placement and Inclusion
Logo IGS Insertion Inclusion

Groupe IGENSIA Education's (formerly Groupe IGS) Career Placement and Inclusion division is open to all individuals who want to build a better future, whatever their background or current situation may be, whether they are continuing their education, transitioning careers, or seeking employment.



7, rue Pierre Dupont
75010 Paris


Caroline Costa-Savelli


Telephone : +33 (0)1 80 97 35 49




Helping individuals to build their own path to employment

Our mission is to make programs accessible to young people, adults, seniors, executives, employees, and the disabled.

​​​​​​​IGS Career Placement and Inclusion offers career-focused programs:

  • Both certificate earning programs and professional development courses
  • Enabling individuals to quickly enhance their employability: program lengths vary from a few weeks to one year
  • Incorporating company experience (as interns or trainees via work-study contracts)
  • Specialized programs in key skill sets

​​​​​​​Programs are available in 8 professional fields:

  • Business, Sales, and Distribution
  • Communications, Digital Technology, Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Accounting and Financial Management
  • Office and Administrative Support
  • Real Estate
  • Guidance and Counseling
  • Digital Technology and Computer Sciences

Approach to learning

IGS Career Placement and Inclusion provides a learning environment that is in close contact with the reality of occupations and respects the differences of all students. The programs are run by committed staff members and supported by company partners who share our vision of career placement.

Our vision of education

The quality of its programs along with its proven results in successful re-entry to the job market have allowed IGS Career Placement and Inclusion to win the trust of various institutions and partner companies with the development of work-study programs.


  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Degrees registered with the RNCP at Levels 3 (formerly Level V), 4 (formally Level IV), and 5 (formally Level III)
  • Qualiopi Certification
