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Vocation professionnelle


“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This simple question that every child hears at some point growing up can also become a major source of stress – trying to figure out one’s calling in life! And yet, figuring out what to do in life is no easy matter for young people, or even for not so young people! Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) takes a closer look at the reality of having an occupational calling.

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Smart Goals on an Ipad

SMART Goals : How to Achieve Your Projects?

Projects to hand in, group works to do or starting a business... Throughout the course of your studies and professional life, you will have many projects that require defining clear, precise, and attainable objectives. This is where the SMART method comes in handy: Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound. 

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a young student moving out for a new student housing

How to Search for a Student Accommodation Effectively?

Did you know that 30% of students say they have difficulty finding a place to live? Some do not have the support of their families and finding student accommodation may not always be an easy task. The Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) offers several solutions to help its students get through the process smoothly and successfully! 

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A group of young people standing next to each other


The need for companies to show their credentials and keep a close eye on their employer brand is greater than ever. As a result, many rankings of companies that are good places to work are regularly published. Read on to find out more about employer branding and Figaro Étudiant's list of the companies preferred by business school students. 

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a preoccupied student

How to prevent Burnout?

Burnout, which is a state of mental and physical exhaustion, is caused by continuous exposure to stressful situations such as working long hours or receiving upsetting news. It can destroy the joy of your career, friendships, and family interactions. How can you prevent it and what to do if you experience burnout symptoms? Check out our tips! 

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Campus IGS Group

Campuses of the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS)

The Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) is recognized for the quality of its academic programs that prepare you for your future career. However, beyond these excellent programs, everything is also designed to provide you with modern infrastructures on campuses conceived to be a place where students come together and share their experiences. Find out what awaits you on our campuses in Lyon, Paris, Toulouse, Dublin, Casablanca and Shanghai.

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jeunes heureux dans leur bureau

Unicorns, Start-up Valued more than a Billion Dollars

A unicorn, which should not be confused with the famous mythical animal, is a term that refers to start-ups that are worth more than one billion dollars. These young companies, mainly related to the Tech or Finance sectors, are gaining in number and entering this previously closed universe. Let’s take a look at what's going on with the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS). 

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Students walking on the School Hall

A Successful Back-to-School Season for the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS)

A period full of challenges is finally in our rearview mirror and we can now focus on an exciting back-to-school season once again! The Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS), always concerned about the quality of life for its students, would like to wish everyone a back-to-school season full of friendship and opportunities to meet new people. Discover the back-to-school program on the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) campuses in Paris, Lyon and Toulouse!

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